Saturday, September 19, 2009

Faster, but Not Smarter

The past week has been terrible as far as training has gone...

Monday - Back to School Night at my school, no training

Tuesday - Ran with the Cross Country Team at my school, 7 miles in 1 hour and 4 minutes, amazing!

Wednesday - Meeting at the Dock for Team in Training Fundraiser, no training, but a really great dinner

Thursday - Ran 1 lap around the lake, Core Strength Training Class at the gym

Friday- - No excuse, no drinking, no late night, but also no training

Saturday (today) - This week's distance run was scheduled for 12 miles. It was supposed to be an easy week in between hard weeks (18 last week - in theory, 12 this week, 20 next week). I thought about making up the 18 this week, but then figured that next week's 20 would be miserable. Ariana had soccer practice and team pictures today, so running with Team in Training would have made it impossible to take her. I decided to run it on my own instead.

I got on the trail in my regular location, at mile marker 27.5 by the Carolina Bros. BBQ in Ashburn. I headed west to the outskirts of Leesburg for 6 miles then back for the second 6. The weather was beautiful, sunny, cool but not at all cold, and I ran on the horse trail which runs parallel to the running/cycling trail almost the entire time (which means I actually ran more than 12 miles, and ran a more hilly terrain). I finished in 2 hours and 7 minutes.

When I got back to my car I realized that I had locked my keys inside, again. This is the second time I have done this, at the trail alone. My analysis of today's run is that apparently I have gotten significantly faster, but unfortunately not any smarter.

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