Friday, July 3, 2009

"Free Falling" Dance Mix

I ran around the lake once before my core-strength training class at the gym last night, which actually felt quite good after running those stupid hills the day before. I completed the 1.25 mile lap in 10 minutes which is at a much quicker pace than usual (albeit not "quick.")

Class consisted mostly of various balls and those damn glide discs this week, and after a short 55-minute workout I am now aware of muscles in my ass and inner thighs that I had no idea existed. All the while I had the pleasure of listening to some modern dance-mix CD that remade U2 and Tom Petty songs - so in retrospect I guess the glide discs were not the most painful part of the class after all.

Today is technically supposed to be an off day, but I plan on going to the gym to work on arms and abs. I am already trying to mentally prepare for the 6 miles I have to run tomorrow, which will quite possibly be the farthest single run of my life to date. I am also going to try to incorporate carrying water with me for the first time with this run, of course this is in addition to the 20 pounds of fat between my belly-button and knees that I am already lugging around with me.

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