Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Throughout the day today I recall thinking to myself, "oooh, today is the easy day, yessss." I thought this because the plan was to run hill repeats for 40 minutes. Easy enough right? Short bursts of hard running, breaks in between. I was looking forward to a change in the normal routine of miles of continuous running. That was a mistake.

It all started off easily enough, a 10-minute leisurely walk to what I will forever remember as "the hill." It looks petite and really quite non-intimidating as you drive by, it sits just behind a goal, nestled between a soccer field and two rows of townhouses. Who would have guessed it to be the actual inner circle of hell?

Before we began the plan was to run 25 - all the way to the top and back down the other side counted as one. After 6 I begged and breathlessly pleaded to reduce the number to 20, which the devil disguised as my "friend" and "trainer" graciously agreed to. I thought I was going to puke the entire time, and for the next 20 minutes after. I had to stop after every 2 to catch my breath and prevent cardiac arrest. I don't really like to touch grass, and I laid in it, twice. Well, kind of, the second time it was more of a collapse.

Oh, and, the worst part is that it is a realistic possibility that my right leg will need to be amputated from the knee down due to the fact that apparently those were the only muscles I used during this entire demonic routine.

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