Monday, August 10, 2009

Deal Breaker

Last week's training log...

Monday - 2.5 mile recovery run (2 laps around the lake)
Tuesday - 5 mile run - final run with "trainer/friend"
Wednesday - in the gym - chest and abs
Thursday - 1.25 miles (1 lap around the lake) & Core Strength training class in the gym
Friday - 5 mile run

Saturday was my first group run with Team in Training in about a month. The distance run was only 8 miles this week. We ran on the W&OD in Sterling, much of the same course that I had run the week before when I did the 12 miles on my own. Luckily my mentor Caroline was there, so I had someone to keep me company. I did not properly hydrate either before, during, or after the run which I definitely was regretting by the time we reached the turn-around point. My final time was 1 hour, 33 minutes.

This coming week the distance run jumps up to 14 miles. I will be leaving for the Outer Banks at the same time as the group training run with TNT, so I will have to do it on my own Sunday morning at the beach. The prospect of this run is somewhat daunting given that 14 miles is more than a half-marathon! Fortunately, since my "trainer/friend" was such an unreliable moron, I have already proven to myself that I am capable of completing this alone. Really I guess I should be thanking him for his total lack of care, concern, or consideration. Needless to say, he is no longer my "friend" or "trainer."

As Liz Lemon (30 Rock) would say, "That's a Deal Breaker, Ladies!"

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