Sunday, August 2, 2009


The past week was not my strongest training effort to date...

Monday - Recovery Run (3 laps around the lake - 3.75 miles)

Tuesday - Hills (again, hell). We ran a up and walked down a much longer hill this time around. It was hotter than hell and there was some random red negligee and black stockings in the middle of the street, about halfway up the hill. This may not be humorous if we were say, in Las Vegas, but we were running in a suburban development, a country club community, in Northern Virginia.

Wednesday - In the gym. Abs and Arms workout.

Thursday - Ran 2.5 miles (around the lake twice) then went to core strength training class.

Friday - Ran 6 miles on the W&OD to prepare for distance run on Sunday.

Saturday - Off.

Sunday -
This morning's run was scheduled for 6:20am on the W&OD, starting in Sterling and going east. My "trainer/friend" did not show up, surprisingly not the sleaziest thing he has done to me in the past year, and so at 6:50 I started the 12 miles.

Today was probably the first time that I really looked like a "serious" runner - I finally bought some dryfit running skirts with coordinating tanks and halter bras. Of course the cute little light blue ensemble I chose for this morning was marred by the presence of a hideous black and red water belt. Ugh.

I started at mile marker 24, was running out six miles to 18, then back. The first 4 miles were really tough, I had not run this part of the trail before and there were a lot more hills than I expected. I lost track of my mileage and at one point thought I had run 4 miles and then saw the next mile marker and realized I had only gone 3 1/2, which sucked. The weather was great, it was overcast and cool, so breathing was definitely much easier. There was intermittent rain to rinse the sweat off of my face, arms, and legs.

The last mile and a half was also really hard, both physically and mentally. It seemed as if each step required my mind to convince my body that I was not actually going to die, that it just felt that way. I am not sure, but I think there was an ongoing hostage negotiation between my head and my feet, translated twice in between, once by my hips then again by my knees.

I only stopped twice, once to tie my shoe and once to pee. I never walked once. I did, however, still cheat a little - I brought my IPod. The battery survived the entire 12 miles, miraculously so did I, as I was serenaded by Eminem, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, Wyclef Jean, and Cher.

The run ended with a huge hill, which I sprinted up and then down, hitting mile marker 24 on my descent. 2 hours, 25 minutes. I completed today's run in the exact same fashion as I have accomplished and managed everything else of note in my life, on my own.

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